Schedule an Inspection Before Signing Anything
Set up a sellers' or buyers' home inspection in Hattiesburg & Purvis, MS
You don't want to buy a house and then discover all the problems lurking within its walls. Avoid future problems by getting a buyers' home inspection done by Patriot Inspects, LLC. We'll go over the house with a fine-tooth comb to detect anything that might lower its value. Once we have our answers, we'll present you with our findings so you can make an informed decision.
When inspecting the house, we'll check:
- Attics and crawl spaces
- Frameworks and foundations
- Plumbing systems
- Electrical setups
Get an inspection done before you put your home on the market
Your potential buyers are going to ask if you've had your home inspected recently. Make sure you have the answers they want ready to go. We'll perform a sellers' home inspection to figure out if you need to have any repairs done before trying to sell your house.
Learn more about the sellers' home inspections we perform throughout Purvis, MS by calling now.